Yokohama Shigekatsu (横浜茂勝)

Shigekatsu YOKOHAMA (year of birth and death unknown) was a busho (Japanese military commander) during the Azuchi-Momoyama period. He was in charge of Minbu shoyu (Junior Assistant Minister of Popular Affairs).

It is said he was a child of Ichian YOKOHAMA. He served either Hidenaga TOYOTOMI or his adopted son Hideyasu TOYOTOMI however, in April 1594 Hideyasu unexpectedly passed away and he became a direct retainer of Hideyoshi TOYOTOMI whereupon he received a 17,000 koku estate in Yamato Province (also thought by some to have been in Harima Province). In the Battle of Sekigahara in 1600 he fought for the Western forces in the defense of the Tenno-ji temple entrance of Osaka Castle and also participated in the battles for Takatori Castle in Yamato Province and Otsu Castle which resulted in demotion and his subsequent whereabouts is unknown.

[Original Japanese]